
親愛的 Lim sek Iong,


在你提到的傳教士中,我只有認識 Dr. Landsborough ,他是一位可敬的人。我曾和他一起參加一個由路德會和天主教在彰化舉辦的管理研討會。這是當時台灣少數領先談管理的研討會之一。

在長老教會的領導人物當中,我印象最深的是賴炳桐牧師,他是台灣聖經公會前總幹事。還有和我一起擔任台灣基督教福利會(Taiwan Christian Service)董事的黃W.T.牧師,和玉山神學院院長高牧師,他後來擔任台灣基督長老教會總會總幹事,被政府迫害並監禁入獄。與這些台灣的朋友和同事一起同工,喚起了我很多美好的回憶。


郭彼得 (12/21/2010)

Dear Lim sek Iong,

What a pleasant surprise to receive your letter and gift yesterday. I find it incomprehensible that someone has informed you about us. I have been a member of various organizations in Taiwan when we lived and worked there but I do not recall that there was an organization named the Taiwanese Christian Church Council of North America.

Of the missionaries that you mention, I only new Dr. Landsborough and what a fine man he was. He and I attended a Management Seminar conducted by the Lutherans and Catholics in Change-Hua. It was the first on many seminars on management in Taiwan.

But the Presbyterian Church leaders I remember most were Rev. Ping-tung Lai, the Secretary for The Bible Society in Taiwan. Rev. W.T. Hwang with whom I served on the Board of the Taiwan Christian Service, and Rev. Kuo who was the principal of the Yu-Shan Bible College and later the Executive Secretary for Presbyterian Church in Taiwan who was later jailed and persecuted by the government. Working with the many Taiwanese friends and colleagues that we learned to know and with whom we worked, brings back many pleasant memories.


Peter Kehler