
01.11. 2010


新年快樂!附上一份 感謝函 表達我和我的家人對TCCCNA的謝意,裡面有關於聖誕節與新客家聖經的消息。謝謝你們用心照顧台灣傳教士。願新的一年上帝保佑你所有的事工。

在基督裡,p class="style20">麥煜道

01.11. 2012

Dear Rev Lin , Ping-an!

Happy New Year. Here is a thank you letter to the TCCCNA from me and my family, with news about Christmas and about the new Hakka Bible. Thank you for all you do in caring for Taiwan missionaries.

 May God bless you in all your areas of service throughout the New Year.

in Christ,
