史邁克 牧師 2012年請安函

December 22, 2012

Dear Rev. Lin,

謝謝來自TCCCNA貼心的禮物,每年聖誕節像我這樣“退休”的宣教師都會收到您們的關心。下面你會發現我的年度書信和相片,同時附上一篇加拿大台灣人權協會最近發表的聲明,我目前担任會長。我還附上一張照片,是我和Daniel Ho(多倫多何潤東牧師的兒子)於上週四(12/20)訪問94歲的Margaret Mackay的相片,她雖然比以前更加虛弱,但仍然走到布魯爾街吃她最喜歡的餐館和購物。

Thank you and the TCCCNA for the kind gift you sent, and send every Christmas to "retired" missionaries like myself. Below you will find my annual epistle, and a version with pictures attached. I also attach a recent statement from the Taiwanese Human Rights Association of Canada 加拿大台灣人權協會, of which I am still president. I also attach a picture of myself and Daniel Ho (son of Rev. Peter Ho in Toronto) visiting 94 year old Margaret Mackay on Thursday. She is getting a bit more frail but still walks down to Bloor Street to eat at her favorite restaurants and shop.

 Michael Stainton

