柯珍妮 2013年請安函

Dear Rev. Sek Long Lim,

感謝您的聖誕祝福和慷慨的支票。我們 感謝每年收到你的來信並記住我們在台灣的服事。
我們喜歡所有的聖誕節活動和與家人共度的時光。現在我們在家裏,保持溫暖,看著外面下雪。 (有很多甚至還會下得更多。)
喬納森在澳大利亞生活和工作,擔任法語翻譯,同時擔任 蒙納士大學的助教。去年春天我們前往加州參加家庭的婚禮。整個家族在 一起很快樂有趣。平常我們都忙著教堂和社區活動。
Jeanette and Alan Beagley
Dear Rev. Sek Long Lim,
Thank you for your Christmas greetings and the generous check. We appreciate each year receiving your letter and remembering our time in Taiwan.
We enjoyed all the Christmas activities and time with family. Now we are home, staying warm and watching it snow. (There's lots of and more to come.)
Jonathan lives and works in Australia as a French translator and is a teaching assistant at Monash University. We did travel to California last spring for a family wedding. It was fun for the whole family to be together. On a daily and weekly basis we keep busy with church and community activities.
We look forward to the New Year, and wish you a blessed new Year.
Jeanette and Alan Beagley