陳鐵漢牧師夫婦 2009年請安函


我們深表歉意延遲回答您內容非常豐富的信和從 TCCCNA來的150元禮物。收到你的信時,剛好我們準備前往加利福尼亞州北部與Juanita的侄女和她的家人過聖誕節。現在我們又回到了帕薩迪納家中,才發現忘記回信。


We apologize for the delay in replying to your very informative letter, in which was enclosed a gift-check in the amount of $150—from the TCCCNA. Your letter arrived when we were preparing for our trip to northern California to spend the Christmas season with one of Juanita’s nieces and her family. We are back home in Pasadena and realized only today our failure to answer your letter and acknowledge the gift.

Let us assure you that we received the gift with profound gratitude. It makes us very much aware of the TCCCNA’s concern for those missionaries who have labored in Taiwan in the past. As recipients we feel our bond with the church and the people of Taiwan being reinforced. Of course, even without the gift, our solidarity with them in their aspirations are firmly anchored in our souls. We shall continue to pray for the future of Taiwan, the work of the church and the part of the TCCCNA in it. Lastly, we pray God’s blessings on you and your work and wish you a God-blessed new year.

Sincerely yours,

Juanita and Tiat Han Tan