懷約翰牧師夫婦 2011年請安函





最近,我們很高興有一個名叫 Ubak 的排灣族年輕人,來倫敦作短期課程進修。

作為最後的貢獻。 我將1952年開始研究的排灣族語言,凡是不收錄於Raleigh Ferrell 編譯的排灣-英語詞典內的,我詳細列出在排灣族較短的聖經中所用的字眼,收錄於該字典的附錄。

感謝與祝福所有的委員, 平安。


John Whitehorn


Dear Pastor Lin

Thank you very much for your letter and the generous present.

I am glad to report that we are in good health in general and are busy with various things, such as leading prayers in our church, singing in a choir and taking part in and teaching in classes for retired people.

Recently we were very pleased to have a visit from a Paiwan young man called Ubak who was doing a short course in London.

As a final contribution to the study of the Paiwan language, which I began to study in 1952, I am compiling a supplement to the Paiwan-English Dictionary by Raleigh Ferrell, by listing the words used in the Paiwan Shorter Bible which are not in the dictionary.

With best wishes to all on your committee


John Whitehorn