
December 27, 2009

Dear Shi-Yang,

非常感謝北美教協送給我們十分慷慨的禮物。我們今年在Waterloo的諾克斯長老教會與 3個女兒的家庭一起慶祝聖誕節。由於我們的長子和小兒子住在不列顛哥倫比亞省,大衛和家人在台北,自從1971年我們派到台灣基督書院之後,我們和6個孩子就不曾在過一起聖誕節。



Many thanks to the Taiwanese Christian Church Council of North America for the very generous gifts sent to us this past week. We did have joyous Christmas celebrations at Knox Presbyterian Church in Waterloo and with our three daughters and families. Our eldest and youngest sons live in British Columbia and David and family are in Taipei so our six children haven’t been together for Christmas since our days in Taiwan at Christ’s College in 1971.

Jack and I enjoyed a trip to Scotland in May for a Spiritual Pilgrimage on the Isle of Iona and then exploration of Geddes roots south of Glasgow. However, it was a difficult time as Jack found travel confusing and his recent memory loss more evident. I am now Jack’s caregiver and depend on God’s grace each day.

Very thankful when Jack is his old self and grateful for the support of family and friends such as you.


Gloria M. Geddes (Betty)