
January, 2012



有關我們的最新消息:我們非常興奮在去年5月搬入位於Waterloo的諾克斯長老教會。這座教堂建在我們以前的停車場。我們在舊教堂做完最後的禮拜之後,我們拿起所有的座位上的聖經、聖詩,隨著兒童,他們帶著他們的東西,由風笛手領銜開道,帶著我們進入新的教堂。我們的女兒,Deb,是重建委員會的一員,現在是我們教會的小會書記。 我們都參加詩班,並協助教會的Logos 計劃。

去年6月Jack搬入 Trinity Village 老人中心,他的老年癡呆症已經超過我能處理的範圍。這是一個很貼心的地方,但每天需要開車10公里去餵傑克吃晚餐和照顧他的牙齒,目前一切還算順利。但是隨著冬天的雪季來臨,我希望能將他搬到一個更近的地方。

9月24日我的大孫女, Jen Cooper,Heather 和 Earl 的女兒,在多倫多的一所傳統的學校環境與 Jon Cowan 結婚。他們是Waterloo大學計算機科學的同學,於2005年畢業。我們14個孫子,年齡介於八至三十,有太多事情無法一一寫下來。


感謝您更新前宣教士的消息讓我們知道。我們敬愛的同事,吳嘉文牧師,上禮拜在玉山神學院過世。如果天氣允許的話,我們希望1月22日能參加他在 Barrie, ON的葬禮。




Dear Friends,

Many thanks for your generous gift. It is very much appreciated.

Our update: It was exciting moving into our new Knox Presbyterian Church, Waterloo in May. The church was built on our former parking lot. After the final service in our old sanctuary we all carried the books from the pews and followed the children carrying the Elements let by a piper into the new building. Our daughter, Deb, was on the redevelopment committee and is now our Clerk of Session. Deb and I sing in the choir and help with our Logos program.

In June a bed became available at Trinity Village for Jack whose dementia had become more than I could handle. This is a very caring place, but the 10K drive every day to feed Jack his evening meal and care for his teeth has been fine so far. With winter snow now coming 1 am hoping to move him to a closer location.

Sept. 24th our eldest grandchild, Jen Cooper, daughter of Heather and Earl was married in Toronto to Jon Cowan in a heritage school setting. They were classmates at U of Waterloo graduating in 2005 in Computer Science. Our fourteen grandchildren range in age from eight to thirty and too many to comment on.

We enjoyed an early Christmas gathering Dec. 11 with three daughters and families in our Condo party room with Jack attending. Our sons Paul and John are in Vancouver and David and family are in Taiwan. They have just moved from our former home in Shihpai as it will be torn down for redevelopment. They are now close to Taipei American School, for after school programs, but their boys attend Chinese school.

Thank you for the update of former missionaries. Appreciate you keeping us informed. Our colleague, Rev. Murray Garvin, died at Yu Shan this past week.  Weather permitting, we hope to attend his funeral Jan 22nd in Barrie, ON

We will keep you in our prayers and also praying for the future of Taiwan. God Bless!


Flora M. Geddes (Betty)