Rev. Carl & Lucille Schroeder (施嘉爾牧師夫婦)





我一直在寫一本有關天堂的書(天堂:彩虹風暴後),於去年出版了。如你所知,許明昭牧師從1964-8是我在台灣東海大學的助理院牧,他目前住在馬里蘭州蓋瑟斯堡(Gaithersburg MD)。我給他一本我的書,說我很想看到它有一天被翻譯成中文。他竟然把它放在心上,認真地翻譯完成!我非常驚訝,但也非常高興,關於這本書,我謙恭地說,它不僅對教會界,對教堂外的人也是有助益的一本書,現在即將要在台灣印行,或許大陸也會發行。我將寄一本英文版的書給你,讓北美教協也能分享我一直在做的事工。

願上帝保佑你們大家。在台灣的幾年一直是我們最快樂生活的一部分,我在完成語言學習之後,我的第一個任期是與台中長老教會合作,然後再作學生團契(在台中地區的13所大專院校)的事工,在我去東海大學的前四年當中,有100名學生受了洗,另有大約 100名女學生等到他們結婚前受洗,因為他們的父母通常是非基督徒,當她們試圖找一個基督徒為她們的配偶時,是非常地尷尬與不容易的。



Chhin-ai e Lim Bok-su (and members of the TCCCNA),

We received your always welcome letter and the accompanying generous check! The check is welcome, of course but it is for us a symbol of the spirit of enduring gratitude for the years we spent in Taiwan (1 957-1968).

We are mortified to think that Taiwan is being victimized by the spirit of communism and even worse, its iron fisted control. Our prayers are ongoing for each of you, your families and Taiwan as a whole. Taiwan has shown such lasting commitment to a democratic form of government, and at this point to face a future with the kind of government that is control on the mainland of China is humiliating, to say the least!

Lucille and I are happy to say that our health is overall continuing to be good, for which we are very grateful.

I began writing a book on heaven (Heaven: Rainbow After the Storm), which I published last year'. As you know, Kho' Beng Chiau Bok-su was my associate chaplain at Tunghai University in Taiwan from 1964-8, and he currently lives in Gaithersburg, MD. I sent him a copy of my book and said I would love to see it translated into Chinese some day. Well, he took me seriously, and the translation is now complete! I was astounded, but very gratified that this book, which 1 humbly say ought to be a real contribution not only to the Christian Church, but also to people outside the church, is now about to be made available in Taiwan, and perhaps at some point, on the mainland as well . 1will be sending a copy of my book in English to you, so that the organization may see what I have been doing.

May God bless you all. Some of the happiest years of our lives were in Taiwan, where 1worked in my first term with Taichung Presbytery after language study, and then with student groups(in 13 colleges and universities s in the Taichung area), before spending four years at Tunghai, where 100 students were baptized,and about another 100 women students waited until they were married before being baptized, since their parents were usually non-Christians and it would be an embarrassment for them to try to find a Christian spouse for them.

Thanks once again for your ongoing care and love. 1will enclose a picture of Lucille and myself (I believe it is that one) together with Khot Bok-su on our visit to the home where he and Mei are currently living.